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Each Central Point School District school is fortunate to have strong support from parents, community members, and local businesses that support our schools by bringing opportunities and resources to the classroom through donations, partnerships and volunteerism. Each year, the District, its schools, clubs, and sports teams receive hundreds of donations to support their operations and we THANK YOU!

Teacher-Designed Projects

A number of teachers across the Central Point School District have identified projects they'd like to implement with their classrooms.  Find a list of these projects and donate to them online at! Click on the link.

  • Select Find a classroom to support
  • Type a project topic, teacher's name, or school in the box to get to the current list of CPSD6 projects; if that doesn't work, type 97502 into the zip code box

Please note, Central Point School District 6 does not accept donations of used refrigerators, microwave ovens or pianos. There are other charitable organizations n the area which may accept such items.